Honda st1100 fork oil viscosity chart
Honda st1100 fork oil viscosity chart

honda st1100 fork oil viscosity chart

cSt stands for “centistokes”, it's a unit of viscosity.īrand / weight / model nominal weight Reported Reported ReportedĬoefficient (VTC) VT Line (like water, Clear) 5.50 2.30 344 343 0.58 2.39.It doesn't just mean hot-day vs.Ĭold day, it means begining of race vs. The other interesting number is the Viscosity Index (VI), which is how stable the viscosity is over a wide temperature range. GenerallyĪ size 13 will be bigger than a size 4, but you can't count on a sizeĩ from one designer to be the same size as a 9 from another. Not really in the same order as the real weight.ĬSt is an actual standard, unlike nominal weight, which is notĮntirely arbitary, but more like women's clothing sizes.

honda st1100 fork oil viscosity chart honda st1100 fork oil viscosity chart

This table is sorted by real viscosity (centiStokes), not by

Honda st1100 fork oil viscosity chart